Monday, August 6, 2012

Balloon Releases for Loved Ones

Balloon releases can be done on many occasions and they are a great way of remembering those family members or close friends who have passed on. This brief article will give you ideas on when and how to release the balloons.

Helium balloons will automatically rise to the sky when released. Sky Lanterns, are much better to release than balloons. These are 100% paper items. The bottom is lit and the heat from the flame fills the balloon-type top and carries it skyward. On the day my dad passed in 2010, my six siblings, our mom, and I released these hot air balloons to let him know we missed him. You can purchase these Sky Lanterns in bulk at this website.

With these items, the entire thing will burn up as it rises skyward so there is no fire danger. There is also no danger of a bird or other small item dying from any plastic or Mylar from a regular type balloon. These are more environmentally safe then the classic types as well.

At a wedding when the grandparent, or mom or dad of the bride or groom has passed as the couple leaves the church the one who lost the family member should release a balloon. This can be a printed balloon with the names and date. You could also use a sharpie to write a special message.

Do not forget the other special days such as Wedding Anniversary, birthdays, Grandparent's Day, Mother's Day or Father's Day or any holiday the person loved. You can release balloons with personalized messages at anytime to acknowledge the much loved and missed family member. My dad gets them often because he had a huge family who misses him immensely.

Please be forewarned that in the winter months balloons do not fly so well. My first granddaughter passed in late November and on some of the years, we have trouble getting the balloon up. We assume this is because of atmospheric conditions.

Many people believe that loved ones who have passed join us in spirit at special occasions. Acknowledging that we feel them there is very important and this is why many people do the balloon releases.

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